Status of the shelter
The shelter is currently closed but WASART volunteers are on standby. No animals are currently on site. We’ve packed the shelter up but we remain in touch with Pierce County and are available should they have need of us. You’re still welcome to sign up as a volunteer but chances of being called in are low.
We are operating under the authority and by request of the Pierce County of Emergency Management.
Looking to volunteer?
Submit your information here:
If you aren’t a credentialed WASART member, and you would like to volunteer, we’re taking names and contact info. Please understand we may not be activated and if we are, we may have sufficient numbers to staff the shelter. We very much appreciate offers regardless. Thank you for your humanity at this time.
Have a donation or service to offer?
Mostly we have everything we need or are able to get it through the great people at the emergency management organization we have set up the shelter for but we recognize people want to help in ways that are more material. It this sounds like you, please fill this out. We don’t have the volunteers to staff and manage dropped off items unless they are expected. Thank you for your generosity and understanding at this time.
Current needs: None
For monetary donations:
Support and donor information
The sheltering supplies we are using to set up the shelter were donated by the help of local American Kennel Clubs, businesses, and an individual who pitched in for two trailers under the AKC Disaster Relief Trailer program, five years ago. We are currently using one of these trailers and the other is staged north of King County, should we need to open a second site in another county. Here are the contributors of the trailer activated in Pierce County: Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers, Gig Harbor Kennel Club, Seattle Kennel Club, Tacoma Kennel Club, Peninsula Dog Fanciers, Olympic Kennel Club, Timberland Valley Dog Fanciers, Western Washington Hound Association, Evergreen Basenji Club, the English Springer Spaniel Foundation, AKC Reunite, Adele Keyfel, and Invisible Fence Northwest.
Additionally, thank you to:
AKC Reunite, who, while they already donated to the trailer, send additional funds to specifically help pets owned by those battling or succumbing to the COVID-19 virus.
Hills Science Diet, who donated dog and cat food without hesitation.
OD Beverage Company, who donated a 5-gallon bucket of hand sanitizer locally made from their fine spirits.
Chambers Bay Distillery, who reserved us a gallon of their locally made hand sanitizer as well.
Live Oak Audio Visual, who are donating tech equipment and services for the shelter
Making Masks in Seattle to Fight COVID-19, a Facebook group who is making and donating masks. We received 60 masks to help keep us safe. Our individual sewers are Jennifer O’Neal and Abby Oster.
Who to contact for what
Media and other inquiries:
Michaela Eaves
Public Information Officer