- March 15 – Introduction to Field Operations
- May 31 – Emergency Animal Sheltering
- June 22 – Transport Training
- August 16 – Introduction to Field Operations
- October 24 & 25 – Annual Exercise
Register for any training at https://wasart.org/register.
Monthly Technical Rescue Training
Other Events
- February 15 – Open House
- March 12 – General membership meeting (Zoom)
- July 12 – Summer Picnic
- August 9 – Open House
- TBD – General membership meeting (Zoom)
Open House
February 15, August 9
King County Office of Emergency Management
3511 NE 2nd St
Renton, WA 98056
1PM – 3PM
All about WASART and what we can do for each other – click or tap here for the WASART Open House.
Introduction to Field Operations
March 15 – Snohomish
August 16th – Buckley
9AM – 5PM
Tuition: $50 for members, $80 for non-members
Click or tap here for all the details on WASART Introduction to Field Operations Training.
Emergency Animal Sheltering
May 31
9AM – 5PM
Tuition: Free for members
During a disaster, people often don’t have a place for their animals. WASART sets up and runs emergency animal shelters to care for displaced animals until the crisis is over. This training is geared towards setting up and running an emergency shelter, as well as working with large and small animals in an emergency sheltering situation.
The training consists of online classes and in-person training. Links to the online segments will be provided before the onsite training.
June 22
Enumclaw Expo Center – 45224 284th Ave SE, Enumclaw, WA 98022
9AM – 5PM
Tuition: Free for members
This training covers the requirements needed for vehicles to haul the WASART trailers, as well as potential safety issues involved in towing an animal trailer. Students will be instructed in scout vehicle requirements and expectations, and ground spotter (direct someone who is backing up a trailer) operation as well as how to drive the box van, and responsibilities associated with managing the equipment during a deployment. During the hands-on spotting and driving session, students will learn how to safety check a trailer setup as well as practice driving and backing up a variety of truck and trailer combinations. Students who want to qualify for trailer towing will have a maneuverability skills test to pass. Transport Training is open to both WASART members and the general public (adults only, please).
Annual Exercise
October 24 & 25
Enumclaw Expo Center
45224 284th Ave SE
Enumclaw, WA 98022
Day 1: 3PM – 8PM
Day 2: 7AM – 7PM
Tuition: Free
The WASART Annual Exercise is a realistic deployment scenario held at the Enumclaw Expo Center on Saturday, October 26th that is free and open to all WASART members, partner agencies, and the public. There is a position for everyone and just in time (JIT) training will be provided to refresh skills and introduce new procedures. Sheltering experience is not required to participate.
The purpose of the exercise is to give WASART members an opportunity to practice skills learned throughout the year and introduce new members to the deployment process and operational procedures of a shelter. The WASART Emergency Animal Sheltering Plan is utilized to set up and operate a mock shelter to gain knowledge of equipment and supplies and the animal intake and reclaim process.
Have time on Friday, October 25th? Want to come and help set up the shelter? We will meet at 3 pm in the Expo Center to set up and get prepared for Saturday’s day of training. Have a WASART conditional trailering endorsement and want experience driving WASART vehicles and pulling trailers? We will be doing a lot of moving of vehicles, trailers, and supplies so it’s a great time to get more experience.
For participants who plan to stay overnight on Friday, overnight accommodations are available via tent or personal RV on the grounds or there is a campground with RV hookups on the grounds at the Expo Center. Please notify the Registrar if you plan to overnight in your registration or at registrar@wasart.org.
The Technical Response Team is the heart of WASART’s response.
Training sessions are generally from 9-4 on a weekend day. Check our Calendar for date and locations of upcoming training sessions. All WASART members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Members from other search and rescue organizations may attend as well. There is no charge for the training sessions. Contact trtmanager@wasart.org for info or to attend.
Technical Rescue Training
9AM – 4PM
Location: Varies
Tuition: Free
No registration required, please contact the team manager at trtmanager@wasart.org.
The technical rescue team practices at least monthly, generally alternating between small and large animal rescue techniques.
Resource: Training Curriculum