Opportunities in Technology and Radio Communications
If you have skills, great. If you don’t, but find some topics below of interest, that’s great too. WASART is all about teaching you skills you’re interested in as part of helping the organization.
Radio Communications
Radio / ham radio: we occasionally use ham radio, and several members are licensed operators. More importantly, your knowledge of ham radio transfers almost directly to the VHF radios we use frequently during deployments on commercial and public safety frequencies. Radio is important in the field for WASART, and a useful skill for emergencies elsewhere.
Opportunities include:
- Instruction: teaching members the basics we need/use in the field
- Inventory, maintenance, and documentation of WASART’s collection of radios
- Frequency programming and general administration of the radios
- Maintenance of the WASART InReach radio/communication devices, software, and their use in the field.
WordPress: Like something close to 40% of all websites on the internet, wasart.org uses WordPress to manage its look and feel, and content.
Opportunities include:
- Content generation / addition (e.g. posting articles with photos)
- Updating assorted informational pages as needed
- Potentially reviewing the overall site organization
- Adding, administering, and updating online quizes and forms.
- Adding, administering, and updating items in the Wasart online store
- Managing user accounts on the site, both member and non-member
- Adding and maintaining URL redirections through the site.
Web Server
Ubuntu Linux: We host wasart.org on its own dedicated virtual server running Ubuntu Linux, and managed using Webmin/Virtualmin server management software.
Opportunities include:
- Email account management and occasional delivery troubleshooting.
- Server software updates as needed
- Server hosting management via contabo.com
Online Services
So many services: The IT committee is responsible for several online services used by the organization.
Opportunities include:
- Managing email/discussion distribution lists hosted at groups.io
- Managing real-time chat groups hosted at groupme.com
- Administering the WASART zoom.us account and managing meeting recordings.
- Administering our heavily used dropbox.com account, including migrating photo uploads.
- Administering our organization 1Password account and organization
- Managing our Microsoft account, and the services (and PCs) associated with it.
- Administering our domain registration at Karthost.com and GoDaddy.com
Technical Support: Members of the IT committee often offer technical help to organization members with a variety of online accounts and technology, including things not listed above.